Sustainability-related disclosures

Integration of sustainability risks and of principal adverse impacts in the investment decision-making process

As the Investment Manager of Regional MSME Investment Fund for Sub-Saharan Africa SA, SICAV-SIF (“REGMIFA”), Symbiotics Asset Management SA, as a Swiss Asset Manager, licensed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), aligns its communication with the requirements of the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) (EU 2019/2088) for sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (“SFDR”). The investment policy of REGMIFA complies with Article 9 of SFDR.

For more information on the integration of sustainability risks and of principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors in the investment decision-making process as per Articles 3 and 4 of SFDR, visit

Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

Click here to download the 2023 Statement on principal adverse impacts.

Remuneration practices

As per Article 5 of SFDR, REGMIFA’s Investment Manager remuneration is not incentivized by excessive sustainability-risk taking in alignment to its ESG risk management.

REGMIFA’s culture for responsible finance and ESG Risk management is reflected in its remuneration practices. For the members of REGMIFA’s Board of Directors and Investment Committee, a basic pro-rata temporis annual remuneration scheme, benchmarked to rates in comparable development finance funds and organisations, is subject to approval by the Shareholders or the Board of REGMIFA as the case may be.

More importantly, REGMIFA remunerates its Investment Manager according to competitive market rates, linked to outstanding invested capital. The Investment Manager integrates the assessment of sustainability risks as part of its core duties. The Board may also determine additional qualitative and quantitative performance targets from time to time, which are remunerated via a variable component with a pen-pen ultimate payment ranking, to further incentivise achieving the Sustainable Investment Objective.

Sustainable Investment Objective

Click here to download the Sustainable Investment Objective of the Fund.

Click here to download the Summary of the Sustainable Investment Objective disclosure.